Conversion Factors
Apply the following factors when converting from and to the Metric System:
To convert | To | Multiply by |
Cubic Feet | Cubic Meters | 0.028317 |
Cubic Meters | Cubic Feet | 35.3145 |
Short Tons | Metric Tons | 0.9072 |
Metric Tons | Short Tons | 1.102 |
Pounds | Kilograms | 0.4536 |
Kilograms | Pounds | 2.2046 |
Centimeters | Inches | 0.3937 |
Feet | Meters | 0.3048 |
Inches | Centimeters | 2.54 |
Inches | Meters | 0.0254 |
Meters | Feet | 3.201 |
Meters | Inches | 39.37 |
Long Tons | Metric Tons | 1.016 |
Metric Tons | Long Tons | 0.984 |